Rabu, 24 Juni 2020


The reaction of aniline forming diphenylamine and ammonia is a heterogen reaction where the reaction occurs in the gas phase with the help of a solid metal oxide catalyst is mainly alumina. Reaction mechanism is the reactants must be adsorbed on the catalyst surface, after the reaction occurs at the surface of the catalyst, the desorption substances from the surface of the catalyst and returned to the gas stream.
Reactions that occur following equation as follows:

         Reaction rate:
rA= k.CA
rA    = rate of reaction                     , kmole/kg cat.h
C= concentration of aniline           , kmole/m3
k      = overall reaction rate constants , m3 /kg cat.h

We obtain the necessary data contained in U.S. Pat. 3118944, after being processed then the value will be the reaction rate constants as a function of temperature as follows::

m3 /kg cat.h

           T = temperature, Kelvin
 If required U.S. Pat. 3118944, can be downloaded by clicking here

         The reactor used is adiabatic Fixed bed Reactor that do not require cooling or heating means that the reaction was allowed to happen as it is. Although the exothermic reaction (heat out), but the heat that arises is not large enough to increase the reaction temperature remained still in the allowed temperature range.

☺ the operating conditions
Temperature           :  435-500°C
Pressure                 :  ± 7.5 atm
Reactions heat        : exothermic
Process conditions   :  adiabatic
☺ Catalyst
Type                       : Alumina Al2O3
Shape                     : cylindrical
Size                        : 1/8 in x 1/8 in
Bulk density, rB         : 650 lb/ft3
Particle density, rP     : 1200 kg/m3

Arrangement of Differential Equations
If: x = C6H5NH2 conversion react
The composition of the mass in the reactor any time:

 Fa = Fao - Fao.x
(C6H5) 2NH
 Fb =Fbo+½.Fao.x
 Fc = Fco+½.Fao.x
 Fd = Fdo
 Ft  = Fto

  1.       Mass balance of reactor
    C6H5NH2 mass balance in the reactor in a volume element

Rate of mass input – rate of mass output - rate of reaction = rate of accumulation

 Mole C6H5NH2  any time :
       Fa = Fao -  Fao.x

This equation is derived for z :



 with rA is the reaction rate decreased C6H5NH2

  2.       Heat balance of reactor
    In a volume element:

Rate of heat input – rate of heat output - rate of reaction heat = rate of accumulation
    ΔHRT = heat of reaction as a function of temperature

         Heat of reaction     
         Heat of formation of compounds at°C, ∆Hf 25      (Reid, R.C, 1977)

ΔHf (kcal/mole)
(C6H5) 2NH

    Gas heat capacity, kcal/Kmole.K :  
    Data from  (Reid, R.C., 1977) cp = a’ + b’.T + c’.T2 + d’.T3 ;  is converted into
       cp = a + b.T

(C6H5) 2NH

Heat of reaction is calculated based on heat of formation of products and reactants

            2 C6H5NH2   -------->    (C6H5)2NH    +    NH3

∆Hr25     = ∑∆Hf products  - ∑∆Hf reactants            
∆Hr25      = ∆Hf  (C6H5)2NH   +  ∆Hf  NH3  – ∆Hf  C6H5NH2
               = 31.07 +  (–10.92) -  2. (20.76)
            = -21.37 kcal/2 mole
              = -21370 kcal/2 kmole C6H5NH2
              = -10685 kcal/ kmole C6H5NH2

  Heat of reaction at temperature T:

 ∆cp = ∑ cp products - ∑ cp reactants
 ∆cp = Cp (C6H5)2NH  + Cp NH3  – Cp C6H5NH2

   (C6H5)2NH   NH3      2 C6H5NH2             Δcp 

Δa: 5.782    +  6.2399    -  2 (7.2898)  = -2.5577
Δb: 0.12234 + 0.007591 - 2 (0.065673) = -1.4153.10-3

       Δcp =  (-2.5577   -  1.4153.10-3 T)   kcal/ kmole.K

        =  - 2.5577  (T-298)  -  7.0765.10-4 (T2 -2982) kcal/2 kmole C6H5NH2
        =  - 1.27885  (T-298)  -  3.538.10-4 (T2 -2982) kcal/kmole C6H5NH2  

ΔHrT = -10685  - 1.27885  (T-298)  -  3.538.10-4   (T2 -2982) kcal/kmole

3.       Pressure drop

    Pressure drop is calculated using equation  (5-196) Perry 1984:



       fm   = friction factor, function of Reynolds number
        n    = exponential, function of Reynolds number
        Dp   = equivalent  diameter of catalyst, m
        ε     = voidage, empty volume fraction
        φ    = particle shape factor
        G    = mass velocity of fluid is based on an empty tube (kg/h.m2)
        ρ     = fluid density, kg/m3
        gc   = 9.8 m/s2

       Looking for a unit dP/dz  be obtained:

The catalyst bed thickness calculation
to calculate the catalyst bed thickness in the reactor in order to obtain the desired conversion then use the following equations:

To obtain the desired conversion then 3 of the above differential equations solved simultaneously by using existing mathematical methods and computer programs are made.
Completion Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) can be solved using the method:
1.Metode Euler (explicit), also called the method of integration of initial value
2.Metode Modified Euler (implicit) called the Predictor Corrector Method or Heun method
3.Metode Runge-Kutta of order of four

Step by step of calculation:                    
1.  Determine the initial condition into the reactor at z = 0 m:   x,  T, P, Δz
2.  Calculated heat of reaction and reaction rate.
3.  Calculated the value of :

4.  Calculation is continued until the desired conversion.

The calculations above are done by trying variables that can be varied as follow: Di, To and P
Another equation is needed physical properties as function of temperature:   
(Carl L. Yaws, 1999)

(C6H5) 2NH

Gas viscosity
    Gas viscosity as function of temperature in the table 21-1 and 21-2 Carl L. Yaws, 1999:
          µ = A + B.T + C.T²   
     µ     = viscosity, µP (micro poise)
     T     = Kelvin
     1 µP = 0.00036 kg/h.m
     A, B and C  constanta as follows :

(C6H5) 2NH

Viscosities of gas mixture
 µm = ∑ µi,yi       Feed composition into the reactor by mass balance calculation is as follows:

(C6H5) 2NH

      Quantity that are calculated
      Quantity that counted in the calculation of the reactor is:
      1). Changed in conversion
      2). Changes in reaction temperature
      3). Changes in pressure drop in the reactor

The program is run using QuickBasic (QB) or Scilab.
Top of Form
The results run the program will be obtainedBottom of Form
 relationship between the conversion to catalyst bed thickness, reaction temperature to catalyst bed thickness and mass composition as follows:

    z(m)         X             FA            FB           FC         T(°C)    P(atm)  
    0.00      0.0000     211.044       0.373       0.000     435.0     7.500
    0.04      0.0020     210.612       0.589       0.216     435.4     7.498
    0.08      0.0041     210.177       0.807       0.434     435.9     7.496
    0.12      0.0062     209.738       1.026       0.653     436.3     7.494
    0.16      0.0083     209.295       1.247       0.874     436.7     7.491
    0.20      0.0104     208.849       1.471       1.098     437.2     7.489
    0.24      0.0125     208.399       1.695       1.322     437.6     7.487
    0.28      0.0147     207.946       1.922       1.549     438.1     7.485
    0.32      0.0168     207.488       2.151       1.778     438.5     7.483
    0.36      0.0190     207.027       2.382       2.009     439.0     7.481
    0.40      0.0212     206.562       2.614       2.241     439.5     7.479
    0.43      0.0235     206.093       2.849       2.476     439.9     7.476
    0.47      0.0257     205.619       3.085       2.712     440.4     7.474
    0.51      0.0280     205.142       3.324       2.951     440.9     7.472
    0.55      0.0302     204.661       3.565       3.192     441.3     7.470
    0.59      0.0325     204.175       3.807       3.434     441.8     7.468
    0.63      0.0349     203.686       4.052       3.679     442.3     7.466
    0.67      0.0372     203.192       4.299       3.926     442.8     7.463
    0.71      0.0396     202.693       4.549       4.175     443.3     7.461
    0.75      0.0420     202.190       4.800       4.427     443.8     7.459
    0.79      0.0444     201.683       5.054       4.681     444.3     7.457
    0.83      0.0468     201.171       5.310       4.937     444.8     7.455
    0.87      0.0492     200.654       5.568       5.195     445.3     7.452
    0.91      0.0517     200.133       5.829       5.456     445.8     7.450
    0.95      0.0542     199.606       6.092       5.719     446.3     7.448
    0.99      0.0567     199.075       6.357       5.984     446.9     7.446
    1.03      0.0593     198.539       6.625       6.252     447.4     7.444
    1.07      0.0618     197.998       6.896       6.523     447.9     7.441
    1.11      0.0644     197.452       7.169       6.796     448.5     7.439
    1.15      0.0670     196.901       7.445       7.072     449.0     7.437
    1.19      0.0697     196.344       7.723       7.350     449.6     7.435
    1.22      0.0723     195.783       8.004       7.631     450.1     7.432
    1.26      0.0750     195.215       8.287       7.914     450.7     7.430
    1.30      0.0777     194.642       8.574       8.201     451.2     7.428
    1.34      0.0805     194.064       8.863       8.490     451.8     7.426
    1.38      0.0832     193.480       9.155       8.782     452.4     7.424
    1.42      0.0860     192.890       9.450       9.077     453.0     7.421
    1.46      0.0888     192.294       9.748       9.375     453.5     7.419
    1.50      0.0917     191.692      10.049       9.676     454.1     7.417
    1.54      0.0946     191.084      10.353       9.980     454.7     7.415
    1.58      0.0975     190.470      10.660      10.287     455.3     7.412
    1.62      0.1004     189.850      10.970      10.597     455.9     7.410
    1.66      0.1034     189.223      11.283      10.910     456.5     7.408
    1.70      0.1064     188.590      11.600      11.227     457.2     7.406
    1.74      0.1094     187.950      11.920      11.547     457.8     7.403
    1.78      0.1125     187.304      12.243      11.870     458.4     7.401
    1.82      0.1156     186.651      12.570      12.197     459.1     7.399
    1.86      0.1187     185.990      12.900      12.527     459.7     7.396
    1.90      0.1219     185.323      13.234      12.861     460.3     7.394
    1.94      0.1251     184.648      13.571      13.198     461.0     7.392
    1.98      0.1283     183.966      13.912      13.539     461.7     7.390
    2.01      0.1316     183.277      14.256      13.883     462.3     7.387
    2.05      0.1349     182.580      14.605      14.232     463.0     7.385
    2.09      0.1382     181.876      14.957      14.584     463.7     7.383
    2.13      0.1416     181.163      15.313      14.940     464.4     7.380
    2.17      0.1450     180.443      15.674      15.301     465.1     7.378
    2.21      0.1485     179.714      16.038      15.665     465.8     7.376
    2.25      0.1519     178.978      16.406      16.033     466.5     7.373
    2.29      0.1555     178.232      16.779      16.406     467.2     7.371
    2.33      0.1590     177.479      17.156      16.783     468.0     7.369
    2.37      0.1627     176.716      17.537      17.164     468.7     7.366
    2.41      0.1663     175.945      17.923      17.550     469.5     7.364
    2.45      0.1700     175.164      18.313      17.940     470.2     7.362
    2.49      0.1738     174.375      18.708      18.335     471.0     7.359
    2.53      0.1775     173.576      19.107      18.734     471.7     7.357
    2.57      0.1814     172.767      19.511      19.138     472.5     7.355
    2.61      0.1852     171.949      19.920      19.547     473.3     7.352
    2.65      0.1892     171.121      20.335      19.962     474.1     7.350
    2.69      0.1931     170.283      20.754      20.381     474.9     7.347
    2.73      0.1972     169.434      21.178      20.805     475.7     7.345
    2.77      0.2012     168.575      21.607      21.234     476.6     7.343
    2.80      0.2054     167.706      22.042      21.669     477.4     7.340
    2.84      0.2095     166.825      22.482      22.109     478.2     7.338
    2.88      0.2137     165.934      22.928      22.555     479.1     7.335
    2.92      0.2180     165.031      23.380      23.007     480.0     7.333
    2.96      0.2224     164.117      23.837      23.464     480.8     7.331
    3.00      0.2267     163.191      24.300      23.927     481.7     7.328
    3.04      0.2312     162.253      24.769      24.396     482.6     7.326
    3.08      0.2357     161.303      25.244      24.871     483.5     7.323
    3.12      0.2403     160.340      25.725      25.352     484.4     7.321
    3.16      0.2449     159.365      26.212      25.839     485.4     7.319
    3.20      0.2496     158.377      26.706      26.333     486.3     7.316
    3.24      0.2543     157.376      27.207      26.834     487.3     7.314
    3.28      0.2591     156.362      27.714      27.341     488.2     7.311
    3.32      0.2640     155.334      28.228      27.855     489.2     7.309
    3.36      0.2689     154.293      28.749      28.376     490.2     7.306
    3.40      0.2739     153.237      29.277      28.904     491.2     7.304
    3.44      0.2790     152.167      29.812      29.439     492.2     7.301
    3.48      0.2841     151.082      30.354      29.981     493.3     7.299
    3.52      0.2893     149.983      30.904      30.531     494.3     7.296
    3.56      0.2946     148.868      31.461      31.088     495.4     7.294
    3.59      0.3000     147.738      32.026      31.653     496.4     7.291
    3.63      0.3054     146.592      32.599      32.226     497.5     7.289
    3.67      0.3109     145.430      33.180      32.807     498.6     7.286
    3.71      0.3165     144.252      33.769      33.396     499.7     7.284
    3.75      0.3221     143.057      34.367      33.993     500.8     7.281
    3.79      0.3279     141.846      34.972      34.599     502.0     7.279
    3.83      0.3337     140.617      35.587      35.214     503.1     7.276
    3.87      0.3396     139.371      36.210      35.837     504.3     7.274
    3.91      0.3456     138.107      36.841      36.468     505.5     7.271
    3.95      0.3517     138.101      36.844      36.471     506.7     7.268

   Graphic relationship shown by the figure below:



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